SDSP Behavioral Model

     -- check for reset active
     IF reset = '1' THEN
       read <= '0' AFTER Tpd;
       write <= '0' AFTER Tpd;
       fetch <= '0' AFTER Tpd;
       d_bus <= null AFTER Tpd;
       PC := X"0000_0000";
       WAIT UNTIL reset = '0';
     END IF;
     -- fetch next instruction
     memory_read(PC, true, current_instr);
     IF reset/= '1' THEN
        add(PC, bits_to_int(PC), 1, temp_V, temp_N, temp_Z);
       --decode & execute
       op := current_instr(31 DOWNTO 24);
       r3 := bits_to_natural(current_instr(23 DOWNTO 16));
       r1 := bits_to_natural(current_instr(15 DOWNTO 8));
       r2 := bits_to_natural(current_instr(7 DOWNTO 0));
       i8 := bits_to_int(current_instr(7 DOWNTO 0));
   CASE op IS
     WHEN op_add =>
       add(reg(r3), bits_to_int(reg(r1)), buts_to_int(reg(r2)), cc_V, cc_N, cc_Z);
     WHEN op_addq =>
       add(reg(r3), bits_to_int(reg(r1)), i8, cc_V, cc_N, cc_Z);
     WHEN op_sub =>
       subtract(reg(r3), bits_to_int(reg(r1)), bits_to_int(reg(r2)), cc_V, cc_N, cc_Z);
              . . . . . . . . .
     WHEN op_land =>
       reg(r3) := reg(r2);
       cc_Z := bool_to_bit(reg(r3) = X"0000_0000");
              . . . . . . . . .
     WHEN op_ld =>
       memory_read(PC, true, displacement);
       IF reset /= '1' then add (PC, bits_to_int(PC), 1, temp_V, temp_N, temp_Z);
       add(effective_addr, bits_to_int(reg(r1)),
       bits_to_int(displacement), temp_V, temp_N, temp_Z);
               . . . . . . . . .
      WHEN op_bi => memory_read(PC, true, displacement);
          IF reset /= '1' THEN
          add(PC, bits_to_int(PC), 1, temp_V, temp_N, temp_Z);
         add(effective_addr, bits_to_int(reg(r1)), bits_to_int(displacement),
                       temp_V, temp_N, temp_Z);
          IF ((cm_V and cc_V) OR (cm_N and cc_N) OR (cm_Z and cc_Z)) = cm_i
             PC := effective_addr;
           END IF;
         END IF;
       WHEN op_brq =>
       add(effective_addr, bits_to_int(PC, i8, temp_V, temp_n, temp_Z);
        if ((cm_V and cc_V) or (cm_N and cc_N) or (cm_Z and cc_Z)) = cm_i
           PC := effective_adr;
        END IF;
     WHEN OTHERS => ASSERT false REPORT "illegal instruction" SEVERITY WARNING;
     end case;
     end if; -- reset /= '1'
     end process;
   end behavior;