Basic Module Format
Packages and Entity

-- (C) 1993 UVA Center for Semicustom Integrated Systems
-- [1]
LIBRARY package_defs;
USE package_defs.basic_defs.ALL;
USE package_defs.token_definition.ALL;
USE package_defs.color_fcns.ALL;
USE package_defs.mon_color_fcns.ALL;

ENTITY module_name IS
       -- [2]
       GENERIC (generic_list: generic_types);
       -- [3]
       PORT (data_input        : INOUT token;
            dependent_output   : INOUT token;
            control_input      : IN token;
            independent_output : OUT token);
END module_name;

Copyright University of Virginia Center for Semicustom Integrated Systems. Reprinted with permission.