This directory contains information regarding tools useful in the VHDL
environment.  The contents of the directory are:

	uc_vhdlgrammar.Z : A 1076 VHDL grammar compiled by the Air Force
                          Institute of Technology and updated by the
			  Univ of Cincinnati.  It has been used for research
			  projects at both institutions.

	72-to-1076.el	: This file consists of GNU-emacs editor keyborb
			  macros to use in translating from 7.2 VHDL to
			  version 1076-1987 IEEE Std VHD language.

	vhdl-model.el   : This file consists of GNU-emacs emacs-lisp commands
                          which provides a 1076-1987 VHDL editing mode for that 

******** NEW *************

	model.tar.gz    : Files for the VHDL Object Model (VOM) 1.0, an
			  object-oriented specification of VHDL, IEEE 1993 
			  Draft Standard, developed at the University of
			  Cincinnati.  This as been developed by David Benz
			  and Phillip Baraona at the University of Cincinnati.


	vsplit		: A tool which can be used to split up VHDL source 
			  files so that there is only one design unit per file.
			  It is created by Mr. Himanshu M. Thaker.

	vmkr		: A tool to create a make file for vhdl files. It
			  requires that every design unit MUST be in a separate
			  file. This could be carried out by using associated
			  tool 'vsplit'.
			  It is created by Mr. Himanshu M. Thaker.